Tetsuya TOYODA
Academic Background (Graduate Level) 【 display / non-display 】
University of Paris Pantheon-Assas, International Law, Public International Law
Master's Course, 1997/10, Completed, FRANCE
Professional Career On-Campus 【 display / non-display 】
Akita International University Faculty of International Liberal Arts, Coordinator, Themed House Promotion (Komachi Hall), 2023/04 -
Akita International University Nakajima Library, Director, 2022/04 -
Akita International University Faculty of International Liberal Arts Global Studies Program (Ryoiki), Professor, 2021/04 -
Akita International University Institute for Asian Studies and Regional Collaboration, Director, Institute for Asian Studies and Regional Collaboration, 2019/04 - 2022/03
Akita International University Center for East Asia Research AIU Global Review, Editor, AIU Global Review, 2012/09 - 2015/02
Academic Society Affiliations 【 display / non-display 】
Asian Society of International Law, 2007/04 - , SINGAPORE
Academic Papers 【 display / non-display 】
Universality and Peculiarity of the Concept of Exclusive Territoriality — The Linearization of Borders and Territorial Sovereignty in East Asia Since the Late 19th Century —, Japanese Yearbook of International Law, vol.66 (p.338 - 358) , 2023/02, Tetsuya TOYODA
Research paper (scientific journal), Single Author, English
Legacies of International Critical Legal Studies - an exploration with focus on Martti Koskenniemi's works, Annual of the Japanese Association of World Law (40) , 2021/01, Tetsuya Toyoda
Research paper (scientific journal), Single Author, Japanese
Prohibition of Wars of Aggression and the Aggressive Use of Force, Theories of Law, vol.43 (p.21 - 40) , 2025/02, TOYODA Tetsuya
Research paper (scientific journal), Single Author, Japanese
Exclusive Legal Personality of States in East Asia and the Legacy of Bandung Pragmatism, Indonesian Journal of International Law, vol.21 (2) (p.315 - 328) , 2024/02, Tetsuya TOYODA
DOI:10.17304/ijil.vol21.2.4, Research paper (scientific journal), Single Author, English
Book Review: AKASHI Kinji and HAN Sanghee (eds) Universalitas juris public Europaei et historia mundi (Keio University Press, 2023) 320 pages, The Journal of International Law and Diplomacy, vol.123 (4) (p.459 - 463) , 2025/01, TOYODA Tetsuya
Research paper (scientific journal), Single Author, Japanese
Books 【 display / non-display 】
Preventing Conflicts from Escalating to War, Nippon Hyoron Sha Co.,Ltd., 2025/03, NISHI Taira, HAMAMOTO Shotaro, TOYODA Tetsuya et al.
Scholarly Book, Allotment Writing, Japanese
The League of Nations and the Development of International Law - A New Intellectual History of the Advisory Committee of Jurists, Routledge, 2021/09, Tetsuya Toyoda
Scholarly Book, Allotment Writing, English
Horizon of Studies of International Law, Toshindo, 2008, NAKATANI Kazuhiro (ed.)
Scholarly Book, Single Author, Japanese
International Society, Yuhikaku, 2008, KOTERA Akira and DOGAUCHI Masto (editors)
Scholarly Book, Single Author, Japanese
International Security and Crimes, University of Tokyo Press, 2005, NAKATANI Kazuhiro and YAMAGUCHI Atsushi (editors)
Scholarly Book, Single Author, Japanese
Presentations 【 display / non-display 】
2022 Annual Conference of the Japan Association of International Law, Domestic Conference, 2022/09, Oral Presentation (general)
Annual Conference of Japan Society of International Law, Domestic Conference, 2016/09, "Restructuring of the International Order in the 19th-Century East Asia: One of Origins of the Peculiarity of the Modern System of International Law", Oral Presentation (general)
On-Campus Classes/Subjects In Charge of 【 display / non-display 】
2024, Winter, PLS245-1_W, International Law and Institutions
2024, Winter, CCS250-1_W, Design Thinking Practicum: Project-Based Learning through Business Practice in Akita
2024, Fall, JAS225-1_F, Japan's Constitution and Law
2024, Fall, CCS240-1_F, Design Thinking in Exploratory Action: Project-Based Learning through Business Practice in Akita
2024, Fall, PLS379-1_F, International Organizations and Sustainable Development