Andrew J. CROFTS
Degree Earned 【 display / non-display 】
PhD in Plant Cell Biology, Plant Molecular and Cellular Biology, University of York, UK, 2000/08
BSc (Hons) Biochemistry, Biochemistry, University of York, UK, 1996/06
Professional Career On-Campus 【 display / non-display 】
Akita International University, Chair of the Department of International Liberal Arts, 2022/04 -
Akita International University Faculty of International Liberal Arts Global Connectivity Program, Professor, 2021/04 -
Akita International University Faculty of International Liberal Arts Center for Collaborative Research and Outreach, Director of Center for Collaborative Research and Outreach, 2022/04 -
Akita International University Faculty of International Liberal Arts Global Connectivity Program, Director, Global Connectivity Program, 2021/04 - 2022/03
Akita International University Faculty of International Liberal Arts Basic Education Mathematics,Natural Science, Head, Basic Education, 2019/04 - 2021/03
External Career 【 display / non-display 】
Institute of Biological Chemistry, Washington State University, USA, Research Associate (in the laboratory of Prof. Thomas W. Okita), 2001/04 - 2009/07
Academic Society Affiliations 【 display / non-display 】
Japanese Society of Plant Physiologists (JSPP), 2010/01 - , JAPAN
Field of Expertise 【 display / non-display 】
Science Education
RNA transport
Molecular biology
Plant molecular biology/Plant physiology
Cell biology
Academic Papers 【 display / non-display 】
Selective sets of mRNAs localize to extracellular paramural bodies in a rice glup6 mutant, Journal of Experimental Botany, vol.69 (21) (p.5045 - 5058) , 2018/10, Yang, Y., Chou, H-L., Crofts, A.J., Zhang, L., Tian, L., Washida, H., Fukuda, M., Kumamaru, T., Oviedo, O.J., Starkenburg, S.R., and Okita, T.W.
Research paper (scientific journal), Multiple Authorship, Cell biology, Molecular biology, Plant molecular biology/Plant physiology, English
Characterization of RNA binding protein RBP-P reveals a possible role in rice glutelin gene expression and RNA localization., Plant Mol Biol, vol.85 (4-5) (p.381 - 394) , 2014/07, Doroshenk Kelly A, Tian Li, Crofts Andrew J, Kumamaru Toshihiro, Okita Thomas W
DOI:10.1007/s11103-014-0191-z, Research paper (scientific journal), Multiple Authorship, English
Multiple RNA binding protein complexes interact with the rice prolamine RNA cis-localization zipcode sequences., Plant Physiol, vol.164 (3) (p.1271 - 1282) , 2014/03, Yang Yongil, Crofts Andrew J, Crofts Naoko, Okita Thomas W
DOI:10.1104/pp.113.234187, Research paper (scientific journal), Multiple Authorship, English
RiceRBP: A Resource for Experimentally Identified RNA Binding Proteins in Oryza sativa., Front Plant Sci, vol.3 (p.90) , 2012, Doroshenk Kelly A, Crofts Andrew J, Morris Robert T, Wyrick John J, Okita Thomas W
DOI:10.3389/fpls.2012.00090, Research paper (scientific journal), Multiple Authorship, English
The small GTPase Rab5a is essential for intracellular transport of proglutelin from the Golgi apparatus to the protein storage vacuole and endosomal membrane organization in developing rice endosperm., Plant Physiol, vol.157 (2) (p.632 - 644) , 2011/10, Fukuda Masako, Satoh-Cruz Mio, Wen Liuying, Crofts Andrew J, Sugino Aya, Washida Haruhiko, Okita Thomas W, Ogawa Masahiro, Kawagoe Yasushi, Maeshima Masayoshi, Kumamaru Toshihiro
DOI:10.1104/pp.111.180505, Research paper (scientific journal), Multiple Authorship, English
Books 【 display / non-display 】
RNA Binding Proteins, Landes Bioscience, 2012/08, Doroshenk, K.A., Crofts, A.J.
Scholarly Book, Multiple Authorship , Molecular biology, Cell biology, Plant molecular biology/Plant physiology, English
The Plant Endoplasmic Reticulum, Springer-Verlag, 2006/08, Washida, H., Crofts, A.J., Hamada, S., and Okita, T.W.
Scholarly Book, Multiple Authorship , Plant molecular biology/Plant physiology, Cell biology, Morphology/Structure, English
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research 【 display / non-display 】
Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B),2012/04 - 2015/03,Investigating the role of RNA binding proteins in the targeting of the rice seed storage protein prolamine
This research project increased our understanding of the role that RNA binding protein complex composition may play in the targeting of prolamine mRNA to specific sub-cellular locations.
Joint Research Activities 【 display / non-display 】
Supporting Community Health in Aging Rural Communities by Building Social Bonds ("Tsunagari") Between Elderly Residents and Local University Students: A "Health Supporter" System by University Students Utilizing Digital Technologies, 2023/11 - 2025/10, Collaboration in Japan
On-Campus Classes/Subjects In Charge of 【 display / non-display 】
2024, Winter, GCI399-2_W, Independent Study in GC Program
2024, Fall, CHM105-1_F, Chemistry Laboratory
2024, Fall, CHM100-1_F, Introduction to Chemistry
2024, Fall, BIO100-1_F, Introduction to Biology
2024, Spring, CHM100-1_S, Introduction to Chemistry
Community Activities Outside University 【 display / non-display 】
ScienceLab@AIU - A hands-on science activity lab for Elementary School students,2017/10 -
This lab, on the theme of "Heat and Matter" has been offered for Elementary and Junior High School students since 2017. It uses English as a medium of instruction and aims to excite students about science and the scientific method.
Noshiro Space Event,2010/01 -
This event is held annually in Noshiro, Akita, and is the largest amateur rocketry competition in Japan. It attracts competitors from leading Japanese universities and also from local high schools. Additionally, the event has a well-attended public open day. I have been involved in the planning and organisation of this event since 2010 and have been hosting a 3D printing exhibit since 2015.