Basic Information




Associate Professor



Research Fields, Keywords

English Education, Applied Linguistics, Well-being Education

E-Mail Address

E-mail address

Research Field

Applied Linguistics
CALL (Computer Assisted Language Learning)
Second Language Vocabulary Acquisition
Intercultural Communication
Well-being Education

Professional Career On-Campus 【 display / non-display

  • Akita International University Faculty of International Liberal Arts English for Academic Purposes Program, Associate Professor, 2020/04 -

  • Akita International University, Dean of Students, 2019/04 -

External Career 【 display / non-display

  • Akita Prefectural Office, Adjunct Staff & Visiting Lecturer, 2003/04 - 2004/03

  • Minnesota State University-Akita, Adjunct Instructor, 2001/08 - 2003/03

  • St. Cloud State University, MN, Adjunct Instructor, 2000/08 - 2001/05

Academic Society Affiliations 【 display / non-display

  • TESOL, 1900/04 - , JAPAN

  • JALT, 1900/04 - , JAPAN

Field of Expertise 【 display / non-display

  • Foreign language education

Qualifications Acquired 【 display / non-display

  • First Kind of Junior High School Teacher License

  • First Kind of High School Teacher License

  • Positive Psychology Consultant


Academic Papers 【 display / non-display

  • Image Use Effects on Young Learner Vocabulary Acquisition, Proceedings of the 8th OpenTESOL International Conference 2020, 2020/05, Clay Williams, Naeko Naganuma

    Research paper (international conference proceedings), Multiple Authorship, English

  • Development of Reading Skills in an EAP Programme: A Longitudinal Study, The Asian ESP Journal, vol.15 (1-1) (p.39 - 61) , 2019/06, Rachael Ruegg, Naeko Naganuma

    Research paper (scientific journal), Multiple Authorship, English

  • Concept Mediation by Elementary L2 Learners, PanSIG Journal 2017, 2018/08, Clay H. Williams, Naeko Naganuma

    Research paper (international conference proceedings), Multiple Authorship, English

  • Academic Dishonesty in Extensive Reading Programs: Stories and Strategies from Student Interviews, The Language Teacher, vol.42 (1) (p.9 - 12) , 2018/01, Yuichi Tagane, Naeko Naganuma, Patrick Dougherty

    Research paper (scientific journal), Multiple Authorship, English

  • Does Instruction Alter the Naturalistic Pattern of Pragmatic Development? Case of Request Speech Act, The Electronic Journal for English as a Second Language, vol.19 (3) (p.1 - 25) , 2015/11, Naoko Taguchi, Naeko Naganuma, Carlos Budding

    Research paper (scientific journal), Multiple Authorship, English

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Books 【 display / non-display

  • Teaching English for Academic Purposes (EAP) in Japan: Studies from an English-medium University, Springer, 2018/03, Yuichi Tagane, Naeko Naganuma, Patrick Dougherty

    Scholarly Book, Multiple Authorship , English

  • The Impact of Internationalization on Japanese Higher Education: Is Japanese Education Really Changing?, Sense Publishers, 2016, John Mock, Hiroaki Kawamura, Naeko Naganuma

    Scholarly Book, Editing and Writing, English

Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research 【 display / non-display

  • Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C),2017/04 - 2020/03

  • Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C),2006/04 - 2010/03,The Impact of International Universities on Local Communities: Social, Economic, and Cultural Perspectives

Other External Funds Procured 【 display / non-display

  • AY2022 AIU President's Fund,2022/04 - 2023/03,Creativity and Inspiration as an intervention to promote mental health and resilience in young adults in Akita

    This interdisciplinary study will help us prepare a KAKENHI grant application to study the impact of creativity as an intervention for students who are prone to the anxiety and depression that can accompany the stress of academic life on the middle school, high school, or university levels. Looking to make use of creative and well-being activities as a potentially high impact practice, our team plans to investigate the nexus of creativity and wellness to explore how practices such as yoga, drama, visual arts, ikebana, and creative writing might serve as an outlet that helps university students develop an awareness of their own and others' well-being. A long-term goal will be to work directly with younger students on the middle school and high school levels since it is clear from the research that youth in Japan are suffering and that early intervention can help develop habits and creative outlets that lead to greater self-efficacy and well-being.

    Akita International University

  • AIU Kakenhi Incentive Grant 2016,2016/06 - 2017/03,Age and Pedagogy Effects on Conceptual Access in Child L2 Learning

    The study examined conceptual access of newly acquired English vocabulary by Japanese-speaking elementary students, conducting testing at Toshima Elementary School and Kawabe Elementary School in Akita-city. The research entailed teaching vocabulary via either use of pictures (to establish meaning of foreign vocabulary items) or use of the students' L1. The following day, students were tested using a computer-mediated reaction time paradigm. In the testing, students would listen to English words via headphones, and then match the vocabulary to either a choice of two written Japanese words or two pictures.

    Akita International University

  • AY2016 AIU President's Fund,2016/04 - 2017/03,Word decoding and vocabulary knowledge growth during EAP and English Language Foundation courses

    To determine the word decoding skills and vocabulary knowledge of first year students when they enter AIU and then measure their growth through to the completion of Composition 2. Measuring each student's growth each semester will enable us to evaluate the appropriateness of the reading curriculum at each level for the learners we teach and the effectiveness of the curriculum at each level in increasing reading speed and vocabulary knowledge. In addition to this, we will learn more about the competencies of incoming first year students and advance knowledge in the areas of reading speed growth and vocabulary knowledge growth, as well as the relationships between reading speed, vocabulary knowledge and TOEFL scores.

    Akita International University

Presentations 【 display / non-display

  • AIU Research Week 2022, Domestic Conference, 2022/11 - 2022/12, Wellbeing through Creativity, Other

  • The 48th Annual International Conference on Language Teaching and Learning & Educational Materials Exhibition, International Conference, 2022/11, Effective use of self-reflection activities to enhance students' learning using Socrative as a tool, Poster (general)

  • 18th Annual CamTESOL Conference (Virtual), International Conference, 2022/02, Positive Education: Integrating Wellbeing Education into the Classroom, Oral Presentation (general)

  • Teachers Helping Teachers (THT) Bangladesh English Language Teachers Association 15th Annual Teacher Development Conference, International Conference, 2021/10, What is Positive Education?: Integration of the Science of Positive Psychology into Your Classroom, Oral Presentation (guest/special)

  • The 17th Annual CamTESOL Conference on English Language Teaching, International Conference, 2021/02, Use of self-reflection activities to enhance students' learning, Oral Presentation (general)

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On-Campus Classes/Subjects In Charge of 【 display / non-display

  • 2024, Winter, EAP107-1_W, Communication Management and Accent Reduction (C-MAR)

  • 2024, Winter, HUM130-1_W, Creativity and Wellbeing

  • 2024, Fall, EAP072-N_F, Intermediate Reading

  • 2024, Fall, ENG101-3_F, Academic Reading Across Disciplines

  • 2024, Fall, EAP082-N_F, High Intermediate Reading

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Community Activities Outside University 【 display / non-display

  • English Seminar Junior High School Students in Yurihonjo-city,2022/12

    The purpose of the program was to "develop students who are interested in mathematics and English, as well as those who wish to further improve their English skills, into individuals who have a sense of purpose and aim for high ideals in their future career paths through exposure to advanced content in the subjects and content that is useful in social life." Through the session, the participants were able to develop an interest in the English language further.

  • AY2021 English Communication Enhancement Project,2021/04 - 2021/12

    Through this project, Dr. Machida and I observed English classes at elementary and junior high schools in Akita Prefecture and provided guidance and advice for improvement afterwards.

  • AY2020 English Communication Enhancement Project,2020/04 - 2020/12

    Through this project, Dr. Machida and I observed English classes at elementary and junior high schools in Akita Prefecture and provided guidance and advice for improvement afterwards.