Degree Earned 【 display / non-display 】
Master in TESOL, Master in TESOL, Nanzan University, 1996/03
Professional Career On-Campus 【 display / non-display 】
Akita International University, Dean of Graduate School of Global Communication and Language, 2017/09 -
Akita International University, Director, Graduate Program in Global Communication and Language Practices , 2017/09 -
Akita International University Graduate School of Global Communication and Language English Language Teaching Practices, Head, English Language Teaching Practices, Graduate Program in Global Communication and Language Practices , 2012/09 -
Akita International University Faculty of International Liberal Arts Teacher's License Program, Professor, 2015/04 -
External Career 【 display / non-display 】
Tttori Prefectural Yazu Senior High School, part-time teacher, 2004/04 - 2009/03
Tottori University of Environmental Studies, Associate Professor, 2001/04 - 2009/03
Tottori University, Adjunct Lecturer, 2001/04 - 2009/03
Establish Arrangement Committee of Tottori University of Environmental Studies, Committee Member, 2000/09 - 2001/03
Aichi University of Education, Adjunct Lecturer, 1999/04 - 2000/03
Academic Society Affiliations 【 display / non-display 】
JES (The Japan association of English Teaching in Elementary Schools), 2014/04 - , JAPAN
JACET (The Japan Association of College English Teachers), 1998/04 - , JAPAN
JALT (The Japan Association for Language Teaching), 1995/05 - , JAPAN
Academic Papers 【 display / non-display 】
Learning New Vocabulary through Meaning-Focused Input, Thailand TESOL Conference Proceedings 2023 (p.88 - 94) , 2023/11, Hiroki Uchida
Research paper (international conference proceedings), Single Author, English
A False Motivation: Another Way to Encourage Students to Learn, 鳥取環境大学紀要第7号 (7) (p.1 - 6) , 2009/03, Hiroki Uchida
Research paper (university, research institution), Single Author, English
A Benefit of Pronunciation Training: How Orally Practicing Unfamiliar Phonemes Can Positively Affect Aural Identification of These Phonemes, Bulletin of Tottori University of Environmental Studies Vol. 6 (6) (p.39 - 48) , 2008, Hiroki Uchida
Research paper (university, research institution), Single Author, Japanese
Empirical Evaluation of in-house Materials: Evaluating the Usefulness of the QuickLook, a "Map" of Essential Classroom English, 鳥取環境大学紀要第2号 (2) (p.95 - 105) , 2004, Sarah S. Haas, Hiroki Uchida
Research paper (university, research institution), Single Author, English
Making Participation Count: Investigating Japanese University Students’ Perceptions of a 5-Point Scale for Self-Evaluating Participation in an Intensive English Program, 鳥取環境大学紀要創刊号 (1) (p.79 - 98) , 2003, Sarah S. Haas, Hiroki Uchida
Research paper (university, research institution), Multiple Authorship, English
Books 【 display / non-display 】
国際教養大学・内田浩樹教授のライブ授業シリーズ Ask Plus Answer Plus “ 一言添えて広がる英会話”, ジャパンライム, 2017/07, 内田浩樹
Film or Video, Other, English
国際教養大学・内田浩樹教授のライブ授業シリーズ Part 8 Activate Your 4 Skills with CNNee “ CNNeeで4技能をフル活用 ”, ジャパンライム, 2015/11, 内田浩樹
Film or Video, Other, English
国際教養大学 ・ 内田浩樹教授のライブ授業シリーズ Part7 Learn to Write before You Write “ 日本語を見つめて書ける英作文 ”, ジャパンライム, 2015/09, 内田浩樹
Film or Video, Other, English
国際教養大学 ・ 内田浩樹教授のライブ授業シリーズ Part6 “クリティカル・シンキングを英語授業に ”, ジャパンライム, 2015/07, 内田浩樹
Film or Video, Other, English
Teaching Demonstration DVD "Relative Clauses", Japan Laim, 2015/07, Hiroki Uchida
Film or Video, Other, Japanese
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research 【 display / non-display 】
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C),2013/04 - 2016/03
Presentations 【 display / non-display 】
The 19the Annual CamTESOL Conference, International Conference, 2023/02, How Word Parts Information Helps/Disturbs the Learners, Oral Presentation (general)
42nd Thailand TESOL International Conference, International Conference, 2023/01, Meaning-Focused Input through Learning New Vocabulary, Oral Presentation (general)
17th Annual CamTESOL Conference, International Conference, 2021/02, Oral Presentation (general)
Thailand TESOL 2019, International Conference, 2020/01 - 2020/02, Oral Presentation (general)
JALT 2019, International Conference, 2019/11, Oral Presentation (general)
On-Campus Classes/Subjects In Charge of 【 display / non-display 】
2024, Winter, ELT609-1_W, EFL Testing and Assessment
2024, Fall, ELT663-1_F, Classroom Research and Observation
2024, Fall, ELT701-1_F, English Teaching Seminar I
2024, Fall, ELT702-1_F, English Teaching Seminar II
2024, Fall, ELT700-1_F, English Teaching Practicum with Seminar
Community Activities Outside University 【 display / non-display 】
Workshop for High School Teachers in Shiga Prefecture,2023/12
Workshop for High School Teachers in Shiga Prefecture
Workshop for Elementary/Junior/Senior High School Teachers in Saga Prefecture,2023/12
Workshop for Elementary/Junior/Senior High School Teachers in Saga Prefecture
Workshop for Elementary/Junior High School Teachers in Kumamoto Prefecture,2023/10
Workshop for Elementary/Junior High School Teachers in Kumamoto Prefecture
Workshop for ALTs and Junior /Senior High School Teachers in Fukushima,2023/10
Workshop for ALTs and Junior /Senior High School Teachers in Fukushima
Workshop for Elementary School Teachers in Akita Prefecture,2023/08
Workshop for Elementary School Teachers in Akita Prefecture