Basic Information




Associate Professor



Research Fields, Keywords

Landscape ecology, protected areas, biodiversity, natural capital, Satoyama, conservation GIS

E-Mail Address

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Academic Background (Undergraduate Level) 【 display / non-display

  • University of Wisconsin-Madison, College of Letters and Science, Biological Aspects of Conservation and Astronomy-Physics (with Honors)

    University, 1996/12, Graduated, UNITED STATES

Academic Background (Graduate Level) 【 display / non-display

  • University of Wisconsin-Madison, Gaylord Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies, Land Resources

    Doctor's Course, 2006/05, Completed, UNITED STATES

  • University of Wisconsin-Madison, Gaylord Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies, Conservation Biology and Sustainable Development

    Master's Course, 1998/12, Completed, UNITED STATES

Degree Earned 【 display / non-display

  • Ph.D., Land Resources, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2006/05

  • Master of Science, Conservation Biology and Sustainable Development, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1998/12

  • Bachelor of Science, Biological Aspects of Conservation, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1996/12

Professional Career On-Campus 【 display / non-display

  • Akita International University Faculty of International Liberal Arts Global Studies Program (Ryoiki), Associate Professor, 2021/04 -

  • Akita International University Faculty of International Liberal Arts Global Studies Program (Katei), Associate Professor, 2019/09 - 2021/03

External Career 【 display / non-display

  • Rakuno Gakuen University, Adjunct Lecturer, 2022/04 - 2023/09

  • Conservation International Japan, Science to Action Manager, 2008/04 - 2019/08

  • Ecosystem Conservation Society - Japan, Researcher, 2006/09 - 2008/03

  • Ministry of the Environment Wildlife Division, Nature Conservation Bureau, Seconded from Japan Wildlife Research Center, 2001/04 - 2002/03

  • Japan Wildlife Research Center, Researcher, 1999/04 - 2002/07

Field of Expertise 【 display / non-display

  • Design and evaluation of sustainable and environmental conscious system


Academic Papers 【 display / non-display

  • Conservation education for sustainable development through field internship at NGOs, Current Research in Environmental Sustainability, vol.9 (100278) (p.1 - 10) , 2025/01, Yoji Natori, Tomohiro Nakagawa, Tomomi Saito, Tatsuhiro Kato, Takashi Seo, Makoto Yata, Yusuke Sawa, Mika Yasuda, Akiko Enomoto, Asako Isobe

    DOI:10.1016/j.crsust.2024.100278, Research paper (scientific journal), Multiple Authorship, Environmental policy and social systems, Design and evaluation of sustainable and environmental conscious system, Education, English

  • The socio-ecological impacts of tourism development in the Western Ghats: the case of Wayanad, India, Frontiers in Sustainable Tourism, vol.3 (1384962.) (p.1 - 11) , 2024/05, Philip Varghese, Yoji Natori

    DOI:10.3389/frsut.2024.1384962, Research paper (scientific journal), Multiple Authorship, Design and evaluation of sustainable and environmental conscious system, Environmental and ecological symbiosis, English

  • Nature-Based Solutions in the Private Sector: Policy Opportunities for Sustainability in a Post-Pandemic World, SDGs in the Asia and Pacific Region. Implementing the UN Sustainable Development Goals – Regional Perspectives (Springer), 2023/07, Natori, Y., Kharrazi, A., Portela, R., Gough, M.

    DOI:10.1007/978-3-030-91262-8_113-1, Research paper (scientific journal), Multiple Authorship, Design and evaluation of sustainable and environmental conscious system, Environmental policy and social systems, Economic policy, English

  • Satoyama Initiative and OECM, BIOCITY (92) (p.44 - 51) , 2022/10, Yoji Natori

    Research paper (scientific journal), Single Author, Environmental policy and social systems, Environmental and ecological symbiosis, Design and evaluation of sustainable and environmental conscious system, Japanese

  • Global identification and mapping of socioecological production landscapes with the Satoyama Index, PLoS ONE, vol.16 (8) (p.e0256327 - ) , 2021/08, Yoji Natori, Akihoko Hino

    DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0256327, Research paper (scientific journal), Multiple Authorship, Environmental and ecological symbiosis, Environmental policy and social systems, English

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Books 【 display / non-display

  • Nature-based Solutions and protected and conserved areas: An introduction for protected and conserved area practitioners, International Union for Conservation of Nature, 2022/12, Nigel Dudley, Naoya Furuta, Yoji Natori, Naoyuki Okano

    Other, Multiple Authorship , English

  • A Tradition in Transition: Understanding the Role of Shifting Cultivation for Sustainable Development of Northeast India, The Energy and Resources Institute, 2022/10, Shaw A K, Natori Y, and Edake S.

    Scholarly Book, Editing and Writing, English

Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research 【 display / non-display

  • Grant-in-Aid for JSPS Fellows,2022/12 - 2025/03,Eco-tourism based on agro-biodiversity in Wayanad, Kerala, India


On-Campus Classes/Subjects In Charge of 【 display / non-display

  • 2024, Winter, GSS302-1_W, GS Special Topic 2: Multidisciplinary Approach to Green Economy and Sustainable Tourism(PBL)

  • 2024, Fall, ENV320-1_F, Environmental Science in Global Perspective

  • 2024, Fall, GSI399-1_F, Independent Study in GS Program

  • 2024, Fall, ENV100-1_F, Environmental Science

  • 2024, Fall, IGS200-1_F, Introduction to Global Studies

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Community Activities Outside University 【 display / non-display

  • Vice Chair, Japan Committee for the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN),2020/06 -

    Decision-making for the organization and participation in project/program activities

  • Honorary Advisor, Conservation International Japan,2019/11 -

    Collaboration on projects and policy work

  • Member, Akita Prefecture Environment Council,2021/06 -

    Provide advices to Akita Prefecture on issues related to environmental conservation. The council will meet three times a year.

  • Member, Akita Prefecture Scenic Conservation Council,2021/07 -

    Provide advice to the Governor of Akita Prefecture on issues of scenic conservation.