Academic Background (Undergraduate Level) 【 display / non-display 】
Waseda University, Faculty of Political Economics, Department of Political Science
University, 2006/03, Graduated, JAPAN
Academic Background (Graduate Level) 【 display / non-display 】
The University of Tokyo, Graduate School, Division of Agriculture
Doctor's Course, 2011/12, Accomplished credits for doctoral program, JAPAN
Degree Earned 【 display / non-display 】
Ph.D., Global Forest Environmental Studies, The University of Tokyo, 2014/01
Master (Agriculture), Forest science, The University of Tokyo, 2008/03
Political Science, Politics, Waseda University, 2006/03
Professional Career On-Campus 【 display / non-display 】
Akita International University Faculty of International Liberal Arts Global Studies Program (Ryoiki), Associate Professor, 2021/04 -
Akita International University Faculty of International Liberal Arts Basic Education Social Science, Associate Professor, 2020/04 - 2021/03
Akita International University Faculty of International Liberal Arts Basic Education Social Science, Assistant Professor, 2014/04 - 2020/03
Akita International University Faculty of International Liberal Arts Basic Education Social Science, Lecturer, 2012/01 - 2014/03
External Career 【 display / non-display 】
Ibaraki University, Adjunct Lecturer, 2022/10 - 2024/02
Akita Prefectural University, Adjunct Lecturer, 2021/10 - 2022/03
Buckingham University, Part-time researcher for university or other academic organization, 2018/01 - 2018/12
Japan Wildlife Research Center, Project Researcher, 2011/01 - 2011/03
JSPS Research Fellowship for Doctoral Course, Researcher, 2008/04 - 2011/01
Academic Society Affiliations 【 display / non-display 】
The Tohoku Sociological Society, 2023/11 - , JAPAN
The Association of Rural Planning, 2021/04 - , JAPAN
The Japanese Association for Rural Studies, 2016/08 - , JAPAN
Japan Oral History Association, 2014/03 - , JAPAN
The Japanese Association for Environmental Sociology, 2008/04 - , JAPAN
Academic Papers 【 display / non-display 】
Memeki's Koshinko III - Terasawa's Koshinko (1) - , Memeki (128) (p.14 - 24) , 2025/01, Ayumi Sugimoto
Research paper (other scientific conference materials, etc.), Single Author, Japanese
"Listeners" of Negative Memories: An Introspective Reflection on the Experience of Listening to War Memories , Journal of Environmental Sociology (30) (p.35 - 48) , 2024/12, Ayumi Sugimoto
Research paper (scientific journal), Single Author, Japanese
Memeki's Koshinko II - Nagaomote's Koshinko - (126) (p.19 - 27) , 2024/01
Research paper (other scientific conference materials, etc.), Single Author, Japanese
Book review: Yokaren Senyukai no Shakaigaku - Senso no Kioku no Katachii, written by Ryo Shimizu, Journal of Japan Oral History Association (19) (p.187 - 189) , 2023/10, Ayumi Sugimoto
Research paper (scientific journal), Single Author, Japanese
Passing the Memeki Community's Memories , Memeki (125) (p.11 - 18) , 2023/08, Ayumi Sugimoto
Research paper (other scientific conference materials, etc.), Single Author, Japanese
Books 【 display / non-display 】
2024年度秋田学Ⅰ学習報告『梅内聚落ブックレット』, 国際教養大学秋田学授業, 2024/12, 椙本歩美
Other, Book Supervision, English
Experiencing 10 years of Akibi, 2023/12, Ayumi Sugimoto
Book (general), Allotment Writing, Japanese
Community-based Forest Management. The Encyclopedia of Environmental Sociology, Maruzen, 2023/03, Ayumi Sugimoto
Dictionary/Encyclopedia, Allotment Writing, Japanese
Memories for Future - Passing down Akita's war memories, Akita Sakigake Shinpo, 2020/03, Ayumi Sugimoto
Book (general), Single Author, Japanese
Diversification and Rural Tourism: Case Studies in the British Countryside, The Margaret Thatcher Japan Foundation, 2019/04, Ayumi Sugimoto
Report, Single Author, English
Other Research Activities 【 display / non-display 】
Kahoku Shinpo Newspaper, 2020/07 - 2020/12
Gave Articles to Akita Sakigake News Paper 'Getsuyo Rondan (Monday Platform)', 2017/02 - 2017/12
Gave Articles to Akita Sakigake News Paper, Suggestion to Akita, 2016/07
Gave Article to Akita Sakigake News Paper, Suggestion to Akita, 2015/06
Editor of 2015 African NGO Directory, 2005/04 - 2006/03
Academic Awards Received 【 display / non-display 】
The Japanese Association for Environmental Sociology, The Encouragement Award, 2020/06/14, JAPAN, Awards of National Conference, Council and Symposium, Ayumi Sugimoto
Female Researcher Supporting Consortium Akita Award , 2019/02/05, JAPAN, Other Awards, Ayumi Sugimoto
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research 【 display / non-display 】
Wakate,2021/04 - 2026/03,Rural Community Transformation by Community-based Farming: Focusing on co-evolution and differenciation
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A),2020/04 - 2025/03
Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B),2016/04 - 2021/03,Explore possibilities of depopulated society - a case study of rural entrepreneurs' collaboration in Akita Prefecture
Grant-in-Aid for challenging Exploratory Research,2016/04 - 2019/03
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A),2014/04 - 2015/03,Creating Higher Education Commons for Improving Higher Education and Innovating Education
Other External Funds Procured 【 display / non-display 】
The Margaret Thatcher Japan Foundation Fellowships,2018/01 - 2018/12,The role of green tourism (agritourism) in the development of rural communities
Private Foundations
The University of Tokyo Research Publication Fund,2017/04 - 2018/03,Publication Fund for "Who protects the forest?"
The University of Tokyo
Institute for Asian Studies and Regional Collaboration (IASRC) Project,2015/04 - 2016/03,Explore possibilities of fieldwork education for revitalizing Akita communities - An action research in Kayagasawa community, Yuwa
Institute for Asian Studies and Regional Collaboration, AIU
JSPS Oversea Visiting Research Fellow,2010/06 - 2010/09,Comparison of International Donors' Projects for the CBFM in the Philippines
Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology
Presentations 【 display / non-display 】
The 70th of Tohoku Sociological Society, Domestic Conference, 2024/07, Oral Presentation (general)
XX ISA World Congres of Sociology, International Conference, 2023/06, Changing and Unchanging Farming: Farmland Consolidation and Diverse Reactions among Farmers in a Japanese Community (Food and Social Change III oral session), Oral Presentation (general)
XX ISA World Congres of Sociology, International Conference, 2023/06, Market Economy for Non-Market Value: A Community Development Project in a Mountainous Area of Japan (Human Dimensions of Sustainable Development oral session), Oral Presentation (general)
The First Symposium of GB Business, Achievement, and Future , Domestic Conference, 2021/11, Local Practices in GB Business, Oral Presentation (guest/special)
The 2nd Congress of East Asian Sociological Association, International Conference, 2021/10, Transforming Rurality and Rural Self: Different strategies between two generations of rural female entrepreneurs in Japan, Oral Presentation (general)
On-Campus Classes/Subjects In Charge of 【 display / non-display 】
2024, Fall, SOC280-1_F, International Cooperation and Development I
2024, Fall, CPS490-6_F, Capstone Seminar: AILA IV
2024, Fall, JAS280-1_F, Akita Studies I: Introduction to Akita
2024, Spring, SAR390-6_S, Study Abroad Reflection: AILA III
2024, Spring, SOC285-1_S, Community Development
Community Activities Outside University 【 display / non-display 】
Giving a lecture for the Seirei Gakuen High School students,2025/03
Title: Sociology of Community Studies
Day Service Akatonbo Film Screening,2025/02
Film screening for the day service users
Yuwa Citizen Council Open Lecture ,2025/01
Supporting the film screening and giving some comments
The 16th Peace Gathering: Giving a lecture and facilitating a workshop,2024/12
Giving a lecture "Passing down war experiences" and facilitating a workshop "How to pass down the war experiences."
Musashi Highschool Demo Class,2024/11
Giving a demo class about "What is a community?" for the high school students