Norikazu TAWARA
Academic Background (Undergraduate Level) 【 display / non-display 】
Keio University, Policy Management, Policy Management
University, 1996/03, Graduated, JAPAN
Academic Background (Graduate Level) 【 display / non-display 】
University of Chicago, Graduate School, Division of Economics, Economics
Doctor's Course, 2007/06, Completed, UNITED STATES
The University of Tokyo, Graduate School, Division of Economics
Master's Course, 1998/03, Completed, JAPAN
Degree Earned 【 display / non-display 】
Master of Economics, Economics, The University of Tokyo, 1998/03
BA, Policy Management, Keio University, 1996/03
Ph.D., Economics, University of Chicago, 1900/03
Professional Career On-Campus 【 display / non-display 】
Akita International University Institute for Promotion of Applied International Liberal Arts Education Creative Design & Data Science Center, Coordinator of Creative Design &Data Science Center, 2022/04 -
Akita International University Faculty of International Liberal Arts Global Business Program (Ryoiki), Associate Professor, 2021/04 -
Akita International University Faculty of International Liberal Arts Global Business Program (Katei), Associate Professor, 2016/04 - 2021/03
Akita International University Faculty of International Liberal Arts Global Business Program (Katei), Assistant Professor, 2011/09 - 2016/03
External Career 【 display / non-display 】
Yokohama City University International College of Arts and Science, Adjunct Lecturer, 2009/04 - 2010/03
World Bank DEC, Short-term Consultant, 2009/02 - 2009/03
Nihon University ARISH, Part-time researcher for university or other academic organization, 2008/04 - 2010/03
Nihon University Population Research Institute, Researcher, 2007/10 - 2008/03
Academic Society Affiliations 【 display / non-display 】
Econometric Society, 2008/04 - , UNITED STATES
American Economic Association, 2008/04 - , UNITED STATES
Japanese Economic Association, 2001/04 - , JAPAN
Field of Expertise 【 display / non-display 】
Economic policy
Economic theory
Labor economics, economic dynamics, search theory
Academic Papers 【 display / non-display 】
Can specific policy indicators identify reform priorities?, Journal of Economic Growth, vol.18 (3) (p.253 - 283) , 2013/09, Aart Kraay, Norikazu Tawara
DOI:10.1007/s10887-013-9092-2, Research paper (scientific journal), Multiple Authorship, Economic theory, Economic statistics, Economic policy, English
Private information and employment fluctuations, Mita Journal of Economics, vol.101 (2) (p.171 - 184) , 2008/07, Norikazu Tawara
Research paper (scientific journal), Single Author, Economic theory, Economic policy, Public finance/Public economy, Japanese
Can Disaaggregated Indicators Identify Governance Reform Prioroties?, Policy Research Working Ppaer, 2008/03, Aart Kraay, Norikazu Tawara
Research paper (university, research institution), Multiple Authorship, Economic statistics, Economic policy, Economic theory, English
No-shirking conditions in frictional labor markets, Economics Bulletin, vol.10 (1) (p.1 - 10) , 2008, Norikazu Tawara
Research paper (scientific journal), Single Author, Economic theory, Public finance/Public economy, Economic policy, English
The Size of Government and US-Europe Differences in Economic Performance, IMF Working Paper, 2007/04, Gerwin Bell, Norikazu Tawara
Research paper (university, research institution), Multiple Authorship, Economic policy, Public finance/Public economy, Economic theory, English
Academic Awards Received 【 display / non-display 】
(Keio Gijuku President Award, 1996/03, JAPAN, Other Awards, Norikazu Tawara
Sato Eisaku Award, Most Distinct, 1995/07, JAPAN, Award by a Publisher, Newspaper or Foundation, Norikazu Tawara
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research 【 display / non-display 】
Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B),2012/04 - 2015/03,Human Capital Investment and the Roles of Labor Market Frictions
Data suggests sizable differences across countries or regions in various measures of educational attainment. Various authors have recently studied the role of differences in worker productivity in accounting for differences in educational attainment. My research differs from those past works in that differences in productivity can play larger roles in explaining for educational attainment in the economy with unemployment. This novel mechanism can be applied to an important policy issue of how to finance education. My research finds that the effect of financing the household's tuition pay by labor income tax on the educational attainment depends on whether the economy is with unemployment or not.
Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B),2009/04 - 2011/03,Search frictions, employment fluctuations and labor market policy
We first estimate the job finding and employment exit probabilities in Japanese labor markets using the methods developed by Robert Shimer. It is found that the volatility of those estimated job finding probabilities cannot be explained by the standard search model of unemployment with shocks to worker productivity and employment exit rates. We then develop a new theory of wage value rigidity based on two-sided incentive problems between a worker and firm. It is found that a variant of search models of unemployment with such a new mechanism can generate large fluctuations of unemployment as observed in data of Japanese and the U.S. labor markets.
Presentations 【 display / non-display 】
Japanese Economic Association, Domestic Conference, 2010/09, Oral Presentation (general)
Japanese Economic Association, Domestic Conference, 2008/09, Oral Presentation (general)
Japanese Economic Association, Domestic Conference, 2008/05, Oral Presentation (general)
Institute of Statistical Research, Domestic Conference, 2007/07, Oral Presentation (general)
Japanese Economic Association, Domestic Conference, 2007/05, Oral Presentation (general)
On-Campus Classes/Subjects In Charge of 【 display / non-display 】
2024, Winter, ECN220-1_W, Analysis of Economic Data
2024, Fall, ECN210-1_F, Principles of Microeconomics
2024, Fall, ECN366-1_F, Intermediate Macroeconomics
2024, Fall, SAR390-11_F, Study Abroad Reflection: AILA III
2024, Fall, IGS200-1_F, Introduction to Global Studies