Cuhullan Tsuyoshi MCGIVERN
Academic Background (Undergraduate Level) 【 display / non-display 】
Southern Oregon University, Faculty of Sports Health Science, Health and Physical Education
University, 2007/06, Graduated, UNITED STATES
Academic Background (Graduate Level) 【 display / non-display 】
Queensland University of Technology, Graduate School, Division of Sports Science, Human Movement Studies
Master's Course, 2011/02, Completed, AUSTRALIA
Degree Earned 【 display / non-display 】
MSc (Human Movement Studies), Obesity, weight management, exercise, diet, Queensland University of Technology, 2011/02
BS, Health and Physical Education, Southern Oregon University, 2007/06
Professional Career On-Campus 【 display / non-display 】
Akita International University Faculty of International Liberal Arts Global Connectivity Program, Lecturer, 2021/04 -
Akita International University, Staff Development Workshop: English Email Writing, 2017/05
Akita International University, Faculty and Staff Development Workshop on CPR and AED, 2017/04
Akita International University, Interpreter, 2016/06
Akita International University, Staff Development Workshop: English Email Writing, 2016/05
Academic Society Affiliations 【 display / non-display 】
International Society for Quality of Life Studies, 2023/04 - , UNITED STATES
International Society for Language Studies, 2015/04 - 2022/03, UNITED STATES
Japan Society for the Study of Obesity, 2014/08 - 2023/03, JAPAN
Field of Expertise 【 display / non-display 】
Sports science
Applied health science
Exercise, diet, weight management, social justice
Academic Papers 【 display / non-display 】
Creating an LGBTQ+-Affirming Locker Room: Education for Prevention, Creating an LGBTQ+-Affirming Locker Room: Education for Prevention, vol.TBD (TBD) (p.TBD) , 2019/01, Cuhullan Tsuyoshi McGivern, Paul Chamness Miller
Research paper (scientific journal), Multiple Authorship, English
Weaving the Stories Together, Queer Voices from the Locker Room (p.137 - 141) , 2017/07, Paul Chamness Miller, Cu-Hullan Tsuyoshi McGivern
Research paper (scientific journal), Multiple Authorship, English
From Playing Field to Locker Room: Challenging Homophobia in Athletics, Queer Voices from the Locker Room (p.1 - 7) , 2017/07, Cu-Hullan Tsuyoshi McGivern, Paul Chamness Miller
Research paper (scientific journal), Multiple Authorship, English
Sex, lies and the locker room: A critical discourse analysis of athletes coming out in the media, Sex, lies and the locker room: A critical discourse analysis of athletes coming out in the media, vol.2 (1) (p.10 - 27) , 2017/04, Cu-Hullan Tsuyoshi McGivern, Paul Chamness Miller
DOI:10.1386/qsmpc.2.1.9_1, Research paper (scientific journal), Multiple Authorship, English
Effects of Exercise and Dietary Restriction on Appetite Regulation and Compensatory Responses, Effects of Exercise and Dietary Restriction on Appetite Regulation and Compensatory Responses, vol.8 (p.30 - 44) , 2017/04, Cu-Hullan Tsuyoshi McGivern, Neil King, Masaharu Kagawa
Research paper (university, research institution), Multiple Authorship, English
Books 【 display / non-display 】
Readings in Language Studies, Volume 7, International Society for Language Studies, International Society for Language Studies, 2019/01, Cuhullan Tsuyoshi McGivern, Paul Chamness Iida, Erin Mikulec, Sai Bhatawadekar
Scholarly Book, Multiple Authorship , English
Queer Voices from the Locker Room, Information Age Publishing, 2017/07, Cu-Hullan Tsuyoshi McGivern, Paul Chamness Miller
Scholarly Book, Joint Editing and Writing, English
Readings in Language Studies, Volume 6: A Critical Examination of Language and Community, International Society for Language Studies, International Society for Language Studies, 2016/12, Cu-Hullan Tsuyoshi McGivern, Paul Chamness Miller, Brian Rubrecht, Erin Mikulec
Scholarly Book, Multiple Authorship , English
Other Research Activities 【 display / non-display 】
Conference Co-Chair for the 2018 International Study for Language Studies Conference , 2018/06
Conference Co-Chair for the 2017 International Study for Language Studies Conference, 2017/06
Director at Large of International Society for Language Studies, 2016/09 - 2018/09
Conference Co-Chair for the 2016 International Study for Language Studies Conference , 2016/06
Presentations 【 display / non-display 】
International Society for Quality of Life Studies, International Conference, 2024/06, Bhakti Yoga: Analysis of Wellness Among Yoga Practitioners in Japan, Poster (general)
2017 International Society for Language Studies, International Conference, 2017/06, Symposium - From Grad School to Tenure: Establishing Scholarly Opportunities, Symposium, Workshop, Panelist (public offering)
International Society for Language Studies 2016 Conference, International Conference, 2016/06, Creating an LGBT Affirming Locker Room: A Discourse Analysis, Oral Presentation (general)
International Society for Language Studies 2015 Conference, International Conference, 2015/06, Coming Out in the Professional Athletic Community: A Discourse Analysis, Oral Presentation (general)
On-Campus Classes/Subjects In Charge of 【 display / non-display 】
2024, Winter, HPE150-1_W, Health & Physical Education Lecture
2024, Winter, HPE120-1_W, Health & Physical Education Activities II
2024, Winter, HPE120-I_W, Health & Physical Education Activities II
2024, Fall, HPE145-1_F, Health & Physical Education Activities V
2024, Fall, HPE150-1_F, Health & Physical Education Lecture
Community Activities Outside University 【 display / non-display 】
Research Presentation on Bhakti Yoga: Analysis of Wellness Among Yoga Practitioners in Japan,2024/08
Presented the below yoga research to Uel Yoga Studio yoga instructors and its yoga students in Japan, to yoga practitioners in India, Germany, Russia, and to yoga monks at the Munger Raj Mandir Temple in Vrindavan, India.
Yoga has increasingly gained popularity around the world as an alternative form of exercise with a range of physical and mental benefits. However, often only the physical practice of yoga is focused on, omitting or only touching the surface of yoga philosophy as a whole, thereby limiting the full benefits of yoga. Through the lens of grounded theory, the aim of this study is to gain insight on the effects that a dual physical and philosophical approach to yoga may have on individuals' wellbeing and overall health. Through the analysis several themes were observed but one in particular stood out as substantial: a combined physical and philosophical practice influences feelings of gratitude and humility. The study's findings suggest that, a complete yoga practice has the potential to unlock greater physical and mental benefits, and open the door for further feelings of wellbeing. -
2nd Annual Akita International Association Elementary School English Speech Contest,2014/11
I was invited to serve on a panel as the head judge by the Akita International Association for an English speech contest for elementary school students.
With Akita International Society, I organized a documentary screening of `Hafu,' held a talk about my personal experiences of being half-Japanese, and lead the event as an emcee. The documentary covers the growing globalization of Japan's society and increase of mixed race individuals and their various experiences in Japan and abroad.