Basic Information


Jang-Won CHOI


Assistant Professor



Research Fields, Keywords

Linguistics, Phonetics

Research Field

Phonetic (Japanese, Korean), Korean education

Recent Activities

The theme of my doctorate thesis is about the characteristics of the Japanese accent of a Japanese language learner. I have a huge interest in the voice and its characteristics necessary to naturally articulate a second language, as well as in the training for such. I also take an active role in the development of a web-based educational program for such field.
Not only this, but I also have a great interest in mechanically analyzing and processing language materials based on my experience of producing a Korean-Japanese parallel corpus in Korea University.

Professional Career On-Campus 【 display / non-display

  • Akita International University Faculty of International Liberal Arts Foreign Language Education, Assistant Professor, 2021/04 -

  • Akita International University Faculty of International Liberal Arts Basic Education Foreign Language Education, Assistant Professor, 2015/04 - 2021/03

  • Akita International University Faculty of International Liberal Arts Basic Education Humanities,Art, Assistant Professor, 2013/04 - 2015/03

  • Akita International University Faculty of International Liberal Arts Basic Education Humanities,Art, Lecturer, 2012/04 - 2013/03

External Career 【 display / non-display

  • Open Cyber University, part-time lecturer, 2013/03 - 2013/12

  • Catholic University, part-time lecturer, 2007/03 - 2009/02

  • Korea University, part-time lecturer, 2005/08 - 2007/08

  • SeJong Project, Kor-Jap Parallel Corpus, Researcher, 2004/03 - 2009/03

  • interpreter charge in Asahi Shimbun Publishing., It is translation, 2002/01 - 2002/12

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Academic Society Affiliations 【 display / non-display

  • Phonetic Society of Japan, 2012/04 - , JAPAN

  • The Society for Teaching Japanese as a Foreign Language, 2012/04 - , JAPAN

  • The Japanese Language Association of Korea, 2002/04 - , KOREA REPUBLIC OF

  • The Japanese Language and Literature Association of Korea , 2002/04 - , KOREA REPUBLIC OF

Field of Expertise 【 display / non-display

  • Foreign language education


Academic Papers 【 display / non-display

  • Korean Native Speaker's Judgment about intonation intention of English-speaking Korean learners, Australian Association of teachers of Korean (p.125 - 137) , 2018/11

    DOI:, Research paper (international conference proceedings), Single Author, Foreign language education, Other

  • Consideration of emotional intonation at the end of Korean sentences - comparison between visual and auditory learning - , Korean Education Research, vol.8 (p.275 - 283) , 2018/09, Jang-Won, CHOI

    Research paper (scientific journal), Single Author, Foreign language education, Japanese

  • Learning effect of sentence ending prosody in Korean, The 8th international conference on the Korean language education, vol.8 (p.168 - 176) , 2017/11, JangWon, CHOI

    Research paper (international conference proceedings), Single Author, Japanese

  • Emotional prosody of English Korean learners - Focused on [Ah, kureyo] utterance -, Korean Education Research, vol.7 (p.119 - 138) , 2017/09, Jangwon,CHOI

    Research paper (scientific journal), Single Author, Other

  • Emotional prosody of Ah, kureyo utterance of Japanese Korean learners - Focused on auditory evaluation of Korean native speakers and sound analysis results -, The 27th international conference on the Korean language education, vol.27 (p.485 - 496) , 2017/08, CHOI Jang-Won

    Research paper (international conference proceedings), Single Author, Other

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Presentations 【 display / non-display

  • Australian Association of teachers of Korean(AUATK), International Conference, 2018/11 - 2018/12, Korean Native Speaker's Judgment about intonation intention of English-speaking Korean learners , Oral Presentation (general), Foreign language education

  • Foreign language curriculum of Akita International University, Domestic Conference, 2018/11, The Japan Association of Korean Language Education, Oral Presentation (general), Foreign language education

  • The Japan Association of Korean Language Education, Domestic Conference, 2017/11, Learning effect of sentence ending prosody in Korean, Oral Presentation (general), Foreign language education

  • The international Association for Korean language Education, International Conference, 2017/08, Emotional prosody of -Ah, kureyo -utterance of Japanese Korean learners - Focused on auditory evaluation of Korean native speakers and sound analysis results -, Oral Presentation (general), Foreign language education


On-Campus Classes/Subjects In Charge of 【 display / non-display

  • 2024, Winter, KRN201-1_W, Korean II Practice

  • 2024, Winter, KRN200-1_W, Korean II

  • 2024, Fall, KRN201-1_F, Korean II Practice

  • 2024, Fall, KRN101-2_F, Korean I Practice

  • 2024, Fall, KRN400-1_F, Korean Language Seminar: Discourse Practice

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Community Activities Outside University 【 display / non-display

  • I gave a lecture on the workshop by the theme of the countries of the Pacific basin-about KOREA--,2016/11

    I gave a lecture on the workshop by the theme of the countries of the Pacific basin,about KOREA for the student of Akita prefectural Noshiro shoyo high school. This lecture has been going on for five years from 2012 to the present, requested by the AIU administration.

  • NoshiroSyoyo High School [lecture on the workshop by the theme of "The lecture about the Pacific rim],2013/11

  • Kitataka High School [lecture on the workshop by the theme of " About South Korean culture" ],2013/11

  • Omagari High School [lecture on the workshop for the student of the international department],2013/10

  • Yokote High School[lecture on the workshop for the student of the international department],2013/08

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