Kuniko ABE
Academic Background (Graduate Level) 【 display / non-display 】
University of Paris IV - Sorbonne, Art History and Archeology, History of Art: Modern and Contemporary
Doctor's Course, 2007/11, Completed, FRANCE
Degree Earned 【 display / non-display 】
Ph.D. in History of Art, History of Art & Architecture: Modern/Contemporary, University of Paris IV-Sorbonne (France) Institut National d'Histoire de l'Art -André Chastel Research Center, 2007/11
DEA : Diploma of Doctorate advanced studies in History of Art, History of Art & Architecture: Modern/Contemporary, University of Paris IV - Sorbonne (France), 1998/10
Master (History of Art), History of Art and Archeology, University of Paris IV - Sorbonne (France), 1997/09
Bachelor (History of Art and Archeology), History of Art and Archeology, Ecole du Louvre (France, Paris) Higher Education National Establishement under The French Ministry of Culture (Grande Ecole), 1993/07
Master of French Language and Civilization Studies (Diploma), French Language and Civilization Studies (Diploma), The Experimental Centre for the Study of French Language and Civilisation at Univesity of Paris IV Sorbonne, 1989/06
Professional Career On-Campus 【 display / non-display 】
Akita International University Faculty of International Liberal Arts Global Connectivity Program (Ryoiki), Select Professor, 2023/04 -
Akita International University Faculty of International Liberal Arts Global Connectivity Program (Ryoiki), Visiting Professor, 2022/04 - 2023/03
Akita International University Faculty of International Liberal Arts Global Connectivity Program, Associate Professor, 2021/04 - 2022/03
Akita International University Faculty of International Liberal Arts Foreign Language Education, Associate Professor, 2021/04 - 2022/03
Akita International University Institute for Asian Studies and Regional Collaboration, Associate Professor, 2018/04 - 2022/03
External Career 【 display / non-display 】
Akita University of Art, Lecturer, 2013/04 - 2016/03
The Louvre Museum, Paris, France, Researcher Expert of terminology, 2006/02 - 2006/10
University of Paris IV-Sorbonne Centre de Recherche d'André Chastel, Graduate student (doctorate program), 1998/11 - 2007/11
Paris International School EABJM (Senior High School section) (IB World School), Paris, France. International Baccalaureat Program, Instructor, 1990/09 - 1993/03
NHK General Bureau for Europe (Paris, France), Assistant coordinator, 1989/04 - 1990/08
Academic Society Affiliations 【 display / non-display 】
Société de l'Histoire de l'Art Français, 2007/12 - , FRANCE
Circle Research & Information on André Malraux, 2009/10 - , FRANCE
Architectural Institute of Japan, 2008/04 - , JAPAN
Société franco-japonaise d'Art et d'Archéologie, 2013/12 - , JAPAN
Japan Art History Society, 2013/12 - , JAPAN
Field of Expertise 【 display / non-display 】
History of Art
History of Architecture/Design
Conservation of Cultural Heritage Museology
French Language
Cultural Diplomacy
Academic Papers 【 display / non-display 】
Akita Ranga in a Global Context through Prussian Blue, Dewaji, vol.163 (163) (p.1 - 14) , 2023/03, Kuniko ABE
Research paper (scientific journal), Single Author, Fine art history, Japanese
Hirafuku Hyakusui and the 1930 Exposition of Japanese Art in Rome, Journal of the Institute for Asian Studies and Regional Collaboration Akita International University, vol.13 (p.1 - 14) , 2021/12, Abe, Kuniko
Research paper (university, research institution), Single Author, Fine art history, Japanese
Travelling Images in the Global Context: A Case Study of the Short-Lived 18th century Akita Ranga Painting School in Japan, Artl@s Bulletin - Special edition "Circulation of Images", vol.VIII (1) (p.1 - 20) , 2021/04, Kuniko Abe
Research paper (scientific journal), Single Author, Fine art history, Aesthetics and studies on art, Japanese history, English
Akita Ranga: Landscape and Megane-e paintings, Journal of the Institute for Asian Studies and Regional Collaboration Akita International University, vol.12 (p.1 - 10) , 2021/01, Abe, Kuniko
DOI:10.24687/iasrc.12.0_35, Research paper (university, research institution), Single Author, Fine art history, Aesthetics and studies on art, Historical studies in general, Japanese
The International Dimensions of Akita Ranga and Its New Narrative, Global History, Visual Culture and Itinerancies: Changes and Continuities.: (p.106 - 126) , 2021, Kuniko Abe
Research paper (international conference proceedings), Multiple Authorship, Fine art history, English
Books 【 display / non-display 】
Global History, Visual Culture and Itinerancies: Changes and Continuities, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2021/01, Kuniko Abe; Francisco Jose Diaz Marcilla et al (Editors)
Scholarly Book, Multiple Authorship , History of Europe and America, Fine art history, Area studies, English
Akita Ranga in the World Art - electronic version, Akita International University Institute of Asian Studies and Regional Collaboration, 2020/04, Kuniko Abe, Feng Chen (Translation by)
Scholarly Book, Multiple Authorship , Chinese
Akita Ranga in the World Art - electronic version, Akita International University Institute of Asian Studies and Regional Collaboration, 2020/04, Kuniko Abe, Feng Chen (Translation by)
Scholarly Book, Multiple Authorship , Chinese
Akita Ranga in the World Art, Akita International University Institute of Asian Studies and Regional Collaboration, 2020/03, Kuniko Abe, Feng Chen (Translation by)
Scholarly Book, Multiple Authorship , Chinese
Aktia Ranga in the World Art, Akita International University Institute of Asian Studies and Regional Collaboration, 2020/03, Kuniko Abe, Feng Chen (Translation by)
Scholarly Book, Multiple Authorship , Chinese
Other Research Activities 【 display / non-display 】
Science and Art, 2018/02 -
AIU IASRC project: The International Dimension of Akita Ranga and Its New Narrative, 2016/04 - 2017/03
Data base of Iconography of History of Art, 2010/09 -
Joint Research Activities 【 display / non-display 】
Symmetry, 2016/04 - , Collaboration within a University
Presentations 【 display / non-display 】
Usages and Values of Black in East Asia, International Conference, 2022/06, Spirituality and Quest of the Vital Principle: Soul, Valorisation of the Instant in Black Ink by Sesshû Tôyô, Oral Presentation (guest/special), Fine art history, Aesthetics and studies on art
2021 Congres of Comparative Literature Society Tohoku Branch: Symposium Tanamaku-hito and France, Germany, Russia - A verification 100 years after its publication, Domestic Conference, 2021/11, Intersections of Japanese Art/Literature and French Art/Literature searched in the French Poetry "Some Poems" written by Ohmia Komaki, decorated by Tsuguharu Foujita , Oral Presentation (general), Fine art history, European literature, History of thought
The Work of art between Identical Ambition and Aspiration to the Universal, International Conference, 2013/04, Transgeographic Interactions: Awakening of Far eastern Identity through the artworks of Léonard Foujita and Koichiro Kondo, peintres, Oral Presentation (general), Fine art history
Charles Sicilis (1889-1942) and His Theaters in Paris, International Conference, 2008/01, Charles Sicilis (1889-1942) and His Theaters in Paris, Oral Presentation (guest/special), Fine art history
On-Campus Classes/Subjects In Charge of 【 display / non-display 】
2024, Fall, ART300-1_F, Japanese Art History in Global Context
2024, Fall, CPS490-13_F, Capstone Seminar: AILA IV
2024, Spring, ART150-1_S, History of Art
2024, Spring, ART310-1_S, Science and Art: Cultural History, Theory, Criticism
2024, Spring, SAR390-13_S, Study Abroad Reflection: AILA III
Community Activities Outside University 【 display / non-display 】
Public Conference "Akita Ranga Story" organized by Renaissance Kakunodate,2021/12
Giving an open public conference "Akita Ranga story: travel to Europe", organized by Renaissance Kakunodate, a citizens' group aiming to discover local history and culture and to transmit them
General Incorporated Foundation Akita Economic Research Institute,2021/09
Contribution to Akita Keizai (Akita Economics), the journal of Akita Economic Research Institute with an article :"Global Culture:Akita Ranga"
Public Lecture at the Akita Prefecture Lifelong Education Center,2020/10
While the objectives of the Akita Culture Lecture Series of the Smart College are learning Akita and rediscovering its good qualities in order to enrich future social life, the objectives of my lecture of Art History: "Travelling Images: Akita Ranga in Global Context" (90 minutes) was first to learn how Samurai painters of the Akita domain at the Edo era could achieve at the pioneering integration of Western travelling images in their paintings and second to interact among participants after the lecture through questions/answers.
Jury for Awards,2018/07 - 2022/03
Jury for Awards
Public Lecture,2018/04
Public Lecture "Picasso: Tradition and Deforme" in conjunction of the Exhibition:"Picasso and Ancient Art through Prints from the Collection of the National Library of France"on April 28th,2018