







My early research centred on learners' metaphorical representations of language learning and insights provided about their implicit learner beliefs, which underlie their attitudes to education, such as the respective responsibilities of teachers and learners. This led to an interest in learner autonomy and related concepts, such as: motivation; metacognition; learning strategies; identity; issues of power; social cultural context and agency. My time in Japan has inspired a particular interest in the effects of the sociocultural forces of Japanese society on the learner autonomy of language learners.


For the duration of 2016 I received a Special Training Program grant to study full-time at the School of Education at the University of Sheffield, in the UK, for the first year of a PhD program. During this year, I completed the compulsory coursework, completed my confirmation paper and review, worked on my literature review and developed my methodology. My research will focus on the autonomy of AIU students, the form it takes and how it develops. I am interested in how the psychological processes of the students interact with the curricular, sociocultural, political and spatial elements of context. The methodology employs a participative approach and involves multimodal narrative inquiry, along with ethnographic research. This research is on going, however, following the transfer of my supervisor, I am currently a PhD candidate at the University of Westminster.

Prior to my Special Training Program, I implemented an experimental speaking & listening course, utilising video portfolios, with the goal of promoting learner-autonomy through learner-centred pedagogy, without sacrificing academic rigour and accountability. The use of video portfolios gave tangible evidence of their progress in language learning and gave them a high degree of control over content and learning activity. The format of the course also enabled the teacher to engage the students individually on intellectual matters. This course also forms the basis of an on-going collaborative research project.

学歴(大学院) 【 表示 / 非表示

  • University of Westminster  PhD  Education


  • University of Sheffield  PhD  Education


取得学位 【 表示 / 非表示

  • 博士, 教育学,University of Westminster (UK),2023/05

学内職務経歴 【 表示 / 非表示

  • 国際教養大学 言語異文化学修センター,コーディネーター,2012/04 ~ 2016/03

  • 国際教養大学 国際教養学部 英語集中プログラム,講師,2012/04 ~ 2024/03

  • 国際教養大学 国際教養学部 英語集中プログラム,助教,2024/04 ~ 継続中

職歴 【 表示 / 非表示

  • Nova Group, Japan,English Instructor,2001/04 ~ 2005/03

  • ABC College, New Zealand,English Instructor,2005/04 ~ 2006/03

  • Nova Group, Japan,Teacher Trainer,2006/04 ~ 2007/03

  • James English School, Japan,Regional Director of Studies,2007/04 ~ 2010/03

  • Akita University, Japan,Assistant Professor,2010/04 ~ 2012/03

所属学会 【 表示 / 非表示

  • Japanese Association of Language Teachers (JALT),1900/04 ~ 継続中,日本

  • Learner Development JALT Significant Interest Group,1900/04 ~ 継続中,日本

専門分野 【 表示 / 非表示

  • Language Education


論文 【 表示 / 非表示

  • It's not where you go; it's what you do when you get there,ILAC Selections 2011,2013,Joe Sykes, Marjo Mitsutomi


  • Establishing Self-Access in Akita University,Annual Research Report of General Education: Akita University,13巻 ,2011,Joe Sykes


  • Facilitating Reflection on Implicit Learner Beliefs through Metaphor Elicitation,Journal of the Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics,15巻 1号 (頁 91 ~ 113) ,2011,Joe Sykes


  • Promoting self-awareness through metaphor elicitation,Learning Learning,18巻 1号 (頁 11 ~ 19) ,2011,Joe Sykes


著書 【 表示 / 非表示

  • Hidden Diversity in Japanese Classroom,Sense Publishers,2017/01,Sykes, Joe


科研費(文科省・学振)獲得実績 【 表示 / 非表示

  • 基盤研究(S),2011/04 ~ 2014/04,English Language Education

研究発表 【 表示 / 非表示

  • JASAL Annual Conference 2019,国際会議,2019/11 ~ 2019/12,Otemon Gakuin University ,Participatory Student Research as Self-Access Learning,口頭(一般)

  • JALT International Conference,国際会議,2019/11,Winc Aichi,Learners as Co-Researchers: Actively Learning about Active Learning ,ポスター(一般)

  • Asia TEFL 2018,国際会議,2018/06,Video portfolios: enabling language learning by engaging learner autonomy,口頭(一般)

  • Akita JALT chapter meeting,国際会議,2018/06,Video portfolios: enabling language learning by engaging learner autonomy,口頭(一般)

  • Hawaii International Conference on Education ,国際会議,2018/01,Taking control: how learners take control over their learning to cope with challenges to their identity in a Japanese international liberal arts university,口頭(一般)

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