学内職務経歴 【 表示 / 非表示 】
国際教養大学 国際教養学部 英語集中プログラム,教授,2013/09 ~ 継続中
国際教養大学 国際教養学部 外国語教育 外国語教育,代表,2021/04 ~ 2023/04
国際教養大学 能動的学修センター(旧名称:能動的学修・評価センター),能動的学修センター長,2019/09 ~ 2023/04
国際教養大学 国際教養学部 英語集中プログラム,EAP代表,2013/09 ~ 2023/03
国際教養大学 国際教養学部 基盤教育 外国語教育,代表,2015/04 ~ 2021/03
職歴 【 表示 / 非表示 】
Flagstaff, Arizona United States Bureau of Indian Affairs,Tutor for Hopi and Dine' High School Students,1988/04 ~ 1989/03
Northern Arizona University Department of History,University Lecturer (Adjunct),1989/04
Phoenix Union High School District,Secondary School Teacher (Social Studies and ESL),1989/04 ~ 2000/03
Phoenix Union High School District,College Bound Founder and Coordinator,1990/04 ~ 1993/03
Phoenix Union High School District Certified Teachers Association,Unit Chair and Executive Board Member,1990/04 ~ 1993/03
所属学会 【 表示 / 非表示 】
Phi Alpha Theta National History Honor Society,1989/04 ~ 継続中,日本
Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society,2000/04 ~ 継続中,日本
The Japanese Association of Language Teachers,2002/04 ~ 継続中,日本
Asia TEFL,2004/04 ~ 継続中,日本
The Bangladesh English Language Teachers Association,2005/04 ~ 継続中,日本
論文 【 表示 / 非表示 】
Chicken or Egg Problem: Word counts or academic ability,Akita Prefectural University Comprehensive Research Bulletin,00巻 00号 (頁 25 ~ 32) ,2023/03,Takahashi, M. , Dougherty, P., Tacker, J.
Dougherty, P. (2019) Sucker Punch. In S. J. Murguia, E. J. Dymond, K. Fennelly, and J. G. Skantz (Eds.) The Encyclopedia of Sexism in American Films (pp. 387 - 391) London: Rowman & Littlefield. ,The Encyclopedia of Sexism in American Films (頁 387 ~ 391) ,2019/10,Patrick Dougherty
2019 Dougherty, P. (2019) Rushmore. In S. J. Murguia, E. J. Dymond, K. Fennelly, and J. G. Skantz (Eds.) The Encyclopedia of Sexism in American Films (pp. 325 – 331) London: Rowman & Littlefield. ,The Encyclopedia of Sexism in American Films (頁 325 ~ 331) ,2019/10,Patrick Dougherty
Dougherty, P. (2019) Once Upon a Time in America. In S. J. Murguia, E. J. Dymond, K. Fennelly, and J. G. Skantz (Eds.) The Encyclopedia of Sexism in American Films (pp. 267 - 272). London: Rowman & Littlefield. ,The Encyclopedia of Sexism in American Films (頁 267 ~ 273) ,2019/10,Patrick Dougherty
Dougherty, P. (2019) Do the Right Thing. In S. J. Murguia, E. J. Dymond, K. Fennelly, and J. G. Skantz (Eds.) The Encyclopedia of Sexism in American Films (pp. 81 – 85). London: Rowman & Littlefield. ,The Encyclopedia of Sexism in American Films (頁 81 ~ 85) ,2019/10,Patrick Dougherty
著書 【 表示 / 非表示 】
Understanding English Grammar and Usage,Nan'un-do,2024/04,Patrick Dougherty, Yoshinori Tomoshige
Education and the United Arab Emirates: Perspectives from Experience (Book 2),HCT Press,2013/01,Dougherty, P. (Editor)
Building Sustainable Futures: Action Research in Educational Technology in the United Arab Emirates,HCT Press,2012/01,Andoniou, C. , Dougherty, P.
Education and the United Arab Emirates: Perspectives from Experience.,HCT Press,2012/01,Dougherty, P. (Editor)
Lives of Our Heritage,Emirates Foundation,2011/01,Dougherty, P. (Chief Editor), Gilligan, C. (Editor), Al-Kaabi. R. (Editor)
その他競争的資金獲得実績 【 表示 / 非表示 】
2018 XReading Research Grant (Free subscriptions to the on-line system for fifty students to enable research on student perceptions of on-line reading (graded readers) as opposed to using paper based graded readers). (Approximate value, 87,500 yen) (With Naganuma-sensei),2018/01 ~ 2019/01,Extensive Reading
受託研究受入実績 【 表示 / 非表示 】
Teaching Trips Abroad Grant,2014/09,Project for Promotion of Global Human Resource Development,一般受託研究
共同研究実施実績 【 表示 / 非表示 】
Educating the Displaced in the Cyber Age,2015/01 ~ 継続中,Deaking University and the Higher Colleges of Technology,国際共同研究
Telepresence supported distributed course delivery systems (TSDCD),2010/04 ~ 継続中,国際共同研究
研究発表 【 表示 / 非表示 】
2020 TESOL Arabia Conference in Abu Dhabi, UAE, March 12 – 14, 2020. Epistemic Stance Markers: Tools for Conversation Navigation. Presentation on behalf of myself and my fellow researchers, Profs. Kizu and Gyogi (JSPS KAKENHI Grant No. 17K02999),国際会議,2020/03,Abu Dhabi, UAE,2020 TESOL Arabia Conference in Abu Dhabi, UAE, March 12 – 14, 2020. Epistemic Stance Markers: Tools for Conversation Navigation. Presentation on behalf of myself and my fellow researchers, Profs. Kizu and Gyogi (JSPS KAKENHI Grant No. 17K02999),口頭(一般)
2019 Japan Association for Language Teaching, November 1 – 4, 2019, Nagoya, Japan. Teachers Helping Teachers SIG Forum and AGM: Chaired the session and presented on the THT Journal, the THT-BELTA Bangladesh program, and THT Sri Lanka, with Brent Jones and Chris Ruddenklau.,国際会議,2019/11,2019 Japan Association for Language Teaching, November 1 – 4, 2019, Nagoya, Japan. Teachers Helping Teachers SIG Forum and AGM: Chaired the session and presented on the THT Journal, the THT-BELTA Bangladesh program, and THT Sri Lanka, with Brent Jones and Chris Ruddenklau.,口頭(一般)
2019 The 13th Annual Teachers Helping Teachers/Bangladesh English Language Teachers Association Teacher Training Conference in Dhaka and Padna, Bangladesh. ,国際会議,2019/09,2019 The 13th Annual Teachers Helping Teachers/Bangladesh English Language Teachers Association Teacher Training Conference in Dhaka and Padna, Bangladesh. Theme: Fostering Student Centric Education and Student Agency in the EFL Classroom. September 13th – 14th, United International University, Dhaka, and September 16th, Pabna BELTA Chapter, Pabna, ,口頭(一般)
2019 16th International Pragmatics Conference June 9 – 14, 2019, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Epistemic stance in L2 English Discourse: The development of interactional competence in study abroad with Dr. Mika Kizu and Dr. Eiko Gyogi.,国際会議,2019/06,2019 16th International Pragmatics Conference June 9 – 14, 2019, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Epistemic stance in L2 English Discourse: The development of interactional competence in study abroad with Dr. Mika Kizu and Dr. Eiko Gyogi.,ポスター(一般)
2019 Tokyo Chapter of the Japan Association for Language Teaching Rikkyo University, Tokyo, May 10th, 2019 Teachers Helping Teachers: Making a Difference for Teachers and Students in the Asia Pacific Region,国内会議,2019/05,2019 Tokyo Chapter of the Japan Association for Language Teaching Rikkyo University, Tokyo, May 10th, 2019 Teachers Helping Teachers: Making a Difference for Teachers and Students in the Asia Pacific Region,口頭(一般)
担当授業科目 【 表示 / 非表示 】
教育活動 【 表示 / 非表示 】
Workshops for High School English Teachers at a Tokyo High School,2014/05 ~ 継続中
学外の社会活動 【 表示 / 非表示 】
PhD supervisor for candidate at Deakin University, Australia,2013/04 ~ 継続中
Thesis:Hybrid Delivery Course Instruction and Student Access
Co-Editor: The Journal of Teachers Helping Teachers ,2013/04 ~ 継続中
International Journal of Arts and Sciences Conference American University of Rome, (October 29, 2012) Tele-Presence and Pedagogical Change: A Case study from the United Arab Emirates.,2012/10
International Conference on Learning, Institute of Education, University of London, (August 15, 2012), with Josephine Butler A Hybrid Instructional Delivery System in UAE Graduate Education.,2012/08
Advisory Editorial Board: International Journal of Reasoning-based Intelligent Present Systems (IJRIS).,2012/04 ~ 継続中