Basic Information





Research Fields, Keywords

Statistics, Networks, Bayesian, Data Science

Homepage URL


I'm glad you found my profile! I'm an assistant professor of AI and data science at AIU where I have been since 2024.

I completed by undergraduate studies at The Ohio State University in 2019 with a double major in mathematics and physics. Immediately after graduation, I began a PhD in statistics at North Carolina State University where I was advised by Brian Reich and Srijan Sengupta. In 2023, I spent seven months at Tokyo Institute of Technology on a JSPS fellowship working with Petter Holme and Tusyoshi Murata. I finished my PhD in 2023 and started at AIU in 2024.

Research Field

I have two main research interests which recently have found some overlap. First, I study networks. Networks are a simple way to represent complex relationships between entities. I consider well-known network structures, e.g., community and core-periphery, and seek to formalize them from a statistical angle.

Second, I am interested in Bayesian inference, particularly in deriving principle prior distributions for scale parameters in hierarchical models. It is a well-known challenge to elicit priors for scale parameters, and I have applied my work to generalized linear mixed models and spatial regression models. Recently, I have also been interested in Bayesian Optimization (BO), a paradigm for optimizing complicated objective functions. I have applied this work to the influence maximization (IM) problem in network science, and can be applied to many other interesting domains.

Recent Activities

Please see my website or Google Scholar for a complete list of publications.

Feng, B.R., Yanchenko, E., Hill, K.L., Rosman, L.A., Reich, B.J. and Rappold, A.G. (2024+) Mediation analysis of community context effects on heart failure using the survival R2D2 prior, arXiv link:

Yanchenko, E. (2024+) Statistics, in Introducing the Liberal Arts: A Guidebook for English Learners, Information Age Publishing, ​In Press.

Yanchenko, E., Chappell, T.M. and Huseth, A.S. (2024+) Bayesian Optimization of Insect Trap Distribution for Pest Monitoring Efficiency in Agroecosystems, Submitted.

Yanchenko, E. (2024+) Oral exams in introductory statistics class with non-native English speakers. arXiv link:

Yanchenko, E. (2024+) Graph sub-sampling for divide-and-conquer algorithms in large networks, arXiv link:

Yanchenko, E., Murata, T. and Holme, P. (2024) Influence maximization on temporal networks: a review, Applied Network Science, 9, 16. ​

Yanchenko, E., Bondell, H.D. and Reich, B.J. (2024+) The R2D2 prior for generalized linear mixed models, The American Statistician, to appear,

Yanchenko, E. and Sengupta, S. (2024) A generalized hypothesis test for community structure in networks​, Network Science, 12 (2), 122-138.

Yanchenko, E., Stevens, S.R., Burns, L., Wruck, L. and Hong, H. (2024+) Effect of imbalanced treatment allocation ratio on combining multiple historical controls in clinical trials, Submitted.

Yanchenko, E., Bondell, H.D. and Reich, B.J. (2024) Spatial regression modeling via the R2D2 framework, Environmetrics, 35 (2), e2829.

Yanchenko, E., Murata, T. and Holme, P. (2023) Link prediction for ex ante influence maximization on temporal networks, Applied Network Science, 8, 70.

Yanchenko, E. (2023+) BOPIM: Bayesian Optimization for influence maximization on temporal networks, Technometrics, (tentatively accepted), arXiv link:

Swaminathan, A.C., Snyder, L.D., Hong, H., Stevens, S.R., Long, A.S., Yanchenko, E., Qiu, Y., Liu, R., Zhang, H., Fischer, A., Burns, L., Wruck, L., Palmer, S.M. (2023) Generalizability of External Clinical Trial and Electronic Health Record Control Arms in Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis. ​American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, 208 (5), 579-588.​

Yanchenko, E. and Sengupta, S. (2023) Core-periphery structure in networks: a statistical exposition, Statistics Surveys​, 17, 42-74.

Yanchenko, E. (2022) A divide-and-conquer algorithm for core-periphery identification in large networks. Stat. pp. e475.​

Academic Background (Undergraduate Level) 【 display / non-display

  • The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, USA, Faculty of Arts and Science, Mathematics and Physics

    University, 2019/05, Graduated, UNITED STATES

Academic Background (Graduate Level) 【 display / non-display

  • North Carolina State University, Graduate School, Division of General Science, Statistics

    Doctor's Course, 2023/12, Completed, UNITED STATES

Field of Expertise 【 display / non-display

  • Statistical science


Academic Papers 【 display / non-display

  • Bayesian Optimization of Insect Trap Distribution for Pest Monitoring Efficiency in Agroecosystems, Bayesian Optimization of Insect Trap Distribution for Pest Monitoring Efficiency in Agroecosystems, vol.4, 2024/12, Eric Yanchenko, Thomas M. Chappell, Anders S. Huseth

    DOI:10.3389/finsc.2024.1509942, Research paper (scientific journal), Multiple Authorship, English

  • The R2D2 prior for generalized linear mixed models, The R2D2 prior for generalized linear mixed models, vol.N/A (N/A) (p.N/A) , 2024/05, Eric Yanchenko, Howard D. Bondell, Brian J. Reich

    DOI:10.1080/00031305.2024.2352010, Research paper (scientific journal), Multiple Authorship, English

  • Influence maximization on temporal networks: a review, Influence maximization on temporal networks: a review, vol.9 (16) (p.N/A) , 2024/05, Eric Yanchenko, Tsuyoshi Murata, Petter Holme

    DOI:10.1007/s41109-024-00625-3 , Research paper (scientific journal), Multiple Authorship, English

  • A generalized hypothesis test for community structure in networks, A generalized hypothesis test for community structure in networks, vol.12 (2) (p.122 - 138) , 2024/03, Eric Yanchenko, Srijan Sengupta

    DOI:10.1017/nws.2024.1, Research paper (scientific journal), Multiple Authorship, English

  • Spatial regression modeling via the R2D2 framework, Spatial regression modeling via the R2D2 framework, vol.35 (2) (p.e2829 - N/A) , 2023/10, Eric Yanchenko, Howard D. Bondell, Brian J. Reich

    DOI:10.1002/env.2829, Research paper (scientific journal), Multiple Authorship, English

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Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research 【 display / non-display

  • Grant-in-Aid for Research Activity Start-up,2024/07 - 2026/03,The R2D2 Shrinkage Prior for Grouped Sparse Linear Models

    The goal of this project is to develop a novel shrinkage prior model for the sparse grouped regression setting by leveraging the R2D2 prior framework.


On-Campus Classes/Subjects In Charge of 【 display / non-display

  • 2024, Winter, GCI299-2_W, Independent Study in GC Program

  • 2024, Winter, CCS125-1_W, Programming Principles

  • 2024, Fall, MAT200-1_F, Statistics

  • 2024, Fall, CCS125-1_F, Programming Principles

  • 2024, Fall, MAT200-2_F, Statistics

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