陳 宥樺
学歴(学部) 【 表示 / 非表示 】
National Chung Cheng University 産業社会学部 Department of Political Science
学歴(大学院) 【 表示 / 非表示 】
National Sun Yat-sen University 社会科学研究科 Graduate Institute of Political Science
学内職務経歴 【 表示 / 非表示 】
国際教養大学 国際教養学部 グローバル・スタディズ課程 ,助教,2020/04 ~ 2021/03
国際教養大学 国際教養学部 グローバル・スタディズ領域 ,助教,2021/04 ~ 継続中
職歴 【 表示 / 非表示 】
Australian National University the Department of Pacific and Asian History ,講師,2016/06 ~ 2016/12
Australian National University College of Arts & Social Sciences,講師,2019/06 ~ 2019/12
George Washington University Elliott School of International Affairs,East Asia Voices Initiative Fellow,2019/11 ~ 2020/02
論文 【 表示 / 非表示 】
China’s Two Centennial Goals and the Waning of the Abandoning Taiwan Arguments,Eurasian Studies Quarterly16号 (頁 41 ~ 48) ,2021,Yu-Hua Chen
A US-Taiwan Free Trade Agreement? Learning from Japan,New Society for Taiwan,75巻 (頁 31 ~ 35) ,2021,Yu-Hua Chen
Counter China’s Influence: Australia’s Foreign Influence Transparency Scheme Act,New Society for Taiwan,65巻 (頁 6 ~ 10) ,2019,Yu-Hua Chen
Taiwan’s New Southbound Policy and Australia’s Great China Debate,New Society for Taiwan,62巻 (頁 28 ~ 32) ,2018,Yu-Hua Chen
Power and Influence: Chinese Influence on Australia’s Politics and Academia,New Society for Taiwan,52巻 (頁 76 ~ 79) ,2017,Yu-Hua Chen
研究発表 【 表示 / 非表示 】
Politics under Pandemic: How COVID-19 Reshapes the Political Landscape in Taiwan and Beyond,国際会議,2021/12,Balancing, not Hedging: How COVID-19 Transformed Australia’s Identity in the US-China Rivalry,口頭(一般)
Association of International Studies and Regional Development Annual Convention 2021,国際会議,2021/12,Rivalry with Chinese Characteristics: Why Can’t China Secure More Friends?,,口頭(一般)
British Association for Chinese Studies Annual Conference 2021,国際会議,2021/09,Lips and Teeth: China’s Buffer Thinking towards North Korea,口頭(一般)
Taiwan in Regional and Global Dynamics,国際会議,2021/07,The Converging Security Relations between Taiwan and Japan in the Era of Xi Jinping,口頭(一般)
NEA Friday Luncheon Seminar,国際会議,2021/01,The Upcoming Presidential Election of Taiwan: What to Observe and Why They Matter?,シンポジウム・ワークショップ パネル(公募)