学歴(大学院) 【 表示 / 非表示 】
東京外国語大学 地域文化研究科 アジア第二専攻
University of Oxford UK Anthropology
University of Bristol UK Faculty of Social Science and Law
学内職務経歴 【 表示 / 非表示 】
国際教養大学 国際教養学部 基盤教育 人文科学・芸術,准教授,2019/09 ~ 2021/03
国際教養大学 国際教養学部 日本研究プログラム,准教授,2019/09 ~ 継続中
国際教養大学 国際教養学部 グローバル・コネクティビティ領域,准教授,2021/04 ~ 継続中
所属学会 【 表示 / 非表示 】
Anthropology of Japan in Japan,2004/04 ~ 継続中,日本
留学生教育学会,2020/04 ~ 継続中,日本
論文 【 表示 / 非表示 】
Role of Intergenerational Ties in Sustainability: What to Sustain, What to Revise, and What to Pass Across Generations? - Transcript of the Plenary Session at the 24th JASID Spring Conference in Akita. ,Role of Intergenerational Ties in Sustainability: What to Sustain, What to Revise, and What to Pass Across Generations? - Transcript of the Plenary Session at the 24th JASID Spring Conference in Akita. ,32巻 2号 (頁 1 ~ 11) ,2023/12,Kudo, S., Fuh, D., Chiba, K., Maruyama, H., & Omi, K.
Book Review: Ryokan: Mobilizing Hospitality in Rural Japan By Chris McMorran. University of Hawai'i Press,Book Review: Ryokan: Mobilizing Hospitality in Rural Japan By Chris McMorran. University of Hawai'i Press,20巻 (頁 1 ~ 3) ,2023/11,Kaeko Chiba
Identity Work,Identity Work,14巻 2008号 (頁 61 ~ 82) ,2008/04,Kaeko Chiba
The meaning of Rituals and Symbols in Chado, Tea Ceremony,The meaning of Rituals and Symbols in Chado, Tea Ceremony,41巻 2007号 (頁 31 ~ 32) ,2007/04,Kaeko Chiba
Japanese Tea Ceremony in the UK,Japanese Tea Ceremony in the UK,4巻 2000号 (頁 97 ~ 100) ,2000/04,Kaeko Chiba
著書 【 表示 / 非表示 】
Japanese Flower Culture - An Introduction,Routledge,2022/11,Kaeko Chiba
The Japanese Tea Ceremony - An Introduction,Routledge,2022/11,Kaeko Chiba
Traditional Arts Education: The Case of Tea Ceremony for Japan’s School Curriculum for the 2020s Politics, Policy and Pedagogy Education Reform,Springer,2022/02,Kaeko Chiba
Japanese Women Class and Tea Ceremony,Routledge,2010/04,Kaeko Chiba
科研費(文科省・学振)獲得実績 【 表示 / 非表示 】
研究活動スタート支援,2009/04 ~ 2010/03,グリーンツーリズムに携わる農家女性(科研費番号21810023)
その他競争的資金獲得実績 【 表示 / 非表示 】
Toyoda Foundation ,2023/11 ~ 2025/11,Build Affordable and Sustainable Healthcare Access
Akita Prefecture Innovative Research Fund,2023/08 ~ 2024/02,Digital Archives x Akita Tourism
Akita Prefecture
Daiwa Foundation,2004/06 ~ 2004/12,Japanese Tea Ceremoy, Class and Gender
Daiwa Foundation
研究発表 【 表示 / 非表示 】
留学生教育学会,国内会議,2024/08,AIU,English as the instruction language - educational context of AIU,口頭(一般)
Anthropology of Japan in Japan,国内会議,2023/12,Strength in belief ? Veiled faces from forgotten place,口頭(一般)
Research Showcase, AIU, ,国内会議,2023/11 ~ 2023/12,Digital Archives x Akita Tourism,口頭(一般)
Japan Association for International Student Education,国内会議,2023/09,Traditional Arts Education in Higher Education,口頭(一般)
Japan Art Documentation Society JADS ,国内会議,2023/06,Effect of Digital Archives in Akita local culture,口頭(一般)
担当授業科目 【 表示 / 非表示 】
2024年度,秋学期,JAS135-1_F,日本伝統文化 II: 華道、歌舞伎、能と日本舞踊
2024年度,秋学期,SAR390-13_F,留学と自己省察: AILA III
2024年度,秋学期,GND200-1_F,ジェンダー学概論: 女性の権利とリーダーシップ
教育活動 【 表示 / 非表示 】
グローバルセミナー,2024/06 ~ 2024/09
Conference 2024 Committee leader for JAISE Japan Association for International Student Education,2024/04 ~ 2024/09
Gender open class at the 20th AIU festival 2023 ,2023/10
AIU Journal editorial board member ,2023/09 ~ 継続中
Committee member for Japan Association for International Student Education, JAISE,2023/04 ~ 継続中
学外の社会活動 【 表示 / 非表示 】
Panel Discussant for JCI Japan Junior Chamber Akita District about Digital Archives x Tourism in Akita,2024/07
Panel Discussant for JCI Japan Junior Chamber Akita District about Digital Archives x Tourism in Akita July 6 2024
My previous project: Digital Archives x Tourism was introduced. -
Lecturer for Urasenke Tea Ceremony Education Association ,2024/07
Lecturer for Urasenke Tea Ceremony Education Association 2024 July
I have provided a zoom lecture related to how to promote Japanese tea ceremony courses in Japan, this will be shared at all Urasenke branches in Japan. -
Adviser for Akita Chamber of Commerce Local Tour Guide Project,2024/06 ~ 2024/08
Adviser for Akita Chamber of Commerce Local Tour Guide Project (Japan Tourism Agency, June 2024-August 2024)
I have requested to asses the guide statement for the tourist stops in Tsuchizaki district with other team members. -
Guest Speaker for Akita East District Police,2023/12
I have discussed how to promote inclusive society in Akita. This talk covered discrimination towards gender, LGBTQ, non-Japanaese and residents with mental or physical disability.
Guest Speaker for Akita Lifelong Research Gathering,2023/10
As requested, I have shared how AIU students can collaborate with local revitalization project. Around 80 audience members attended, and they were significantly impressed with the possibility of AIU local contribution.